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Why the KJV ONLY!

This section is dedicated to proving that the King James Version (AV) Bible is the perfectly preserved word of God for today. Studies and articles will be uploaded on a regular basis so please make sure you come back and check out the updates!

There has never been, and there never will be, a 'proven' error in the KJV Authorized Version Bible!

Final Authority - Why the AV is PERFECT!

AV Bible Quiz  - for Bible Correctors and Rejectors!

The NJKV Counterfeit - Click to find out more about this PERversion!

Counterfeit Bible Checklist

Is the NKJV the same as the KJB?

Errors found in New Bible Versions - NKJV Errors and Omissions

The NIV PERversion - Click to find out more about this PERversion!

The Fruit of the ESV - Click to find out more about this PERversion!

The Great Bible Robbery

The Old Latin and Waldensian Bibles

O Biblios - The Book - Overview

The KJB Heralded - O Biblios

Two Parallel Streams of Bibles - by Paul Duperron

Who started the attack on the Bible? - by Will Kinney

The KJB Hated

The 1611 Authorized King James Holy Bible IS Perfect – Tract

The Royal Law James 2v8 - Tract

Royal Law - James 2v8

New Age Bible Versions - Tract by Gail Riplinger

Big White Lies - by Gail Riplinger

Translation Principles from the William Carey Bible Society

The KJB Hallowed

The KJB 1611 to 2011+ Invulnerable in The Critics' Den

The Watchman Report - Why the King James Only!

New Testament Scripture Comparison

Purification of the Lord's Words

Presentational Perfection of The Words of the LORD

Seven Purifications of the Textus Receptus

Seven Sevenfold Purifications of The Words of the LORD

Do you keep running back to the Greek?

AV1611 Advanced Revelations

'O Biblios' - The Book  - By Alan O'Reilly

Which Translation Should you Trust? - By Timothy S. Morton

KJV1611 - The Myth of Earlier Revisions

King James Bible Supremacy

The 1611 Holy Bible versus the Non-Extant Original

The Deadly Dossier

New and Edited Drop Box and TFT Studies

AV1611 Collected works of Alan O'Reilly

Triple A - Authority, Archaisms, Anarchy

Review - Just One Bible

Answering the Unanswerable - By Timothy S. Morton

The NIV Apostate - Yes - excerpt from 'O Biblios' - The Book

The 1611 Holy Bible versus Corrupt Manuscript Ascension

The 'Majority' Greek Text, Johannine Comma and the Trinity

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Annotations Amen, charity

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic – Annotations OT h(H)ell

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Annotations AV Perfections

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Annotations O Biblios Chapters 10, 12, 13, 14

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Rationale

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Rationale Annotations

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Version Comparison Table Summary

Version Comparison Table Overall Summary

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