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Alan O'Reilly

This is an extensive list of articles produced by Alan O'Reilly N.B. Web sites cited in studies by Alan O'Reilly uploaded on this or other Time for Truth links were current at the time of writing. Many are now unavailable. Readers with concerns over web sites cited that are now unavailable should contact Time for Truth so that the problem can be referred to the author.

Click here for Dr Alan O'Reilly's books to order

The studies/articles below have been written by Dr. Alan O'Reilly...


AV1611 Collected Works of Alan O'Reilly

New and Edited Drop Box and TfT Studies

My Testimony - Alan O'Reilly

Bible Reading Charts

Martin Luther's Hymn - A Mighty Fortress

John Bunyan's Hymn - Who would True Valour see

The Martyrs Hymn - We Rest on Thee

Patrick's Hymn - Be Thou My Vision

Jehoiada the Priest

Daniel the Finisher

Timothy the Faithful

Satan the devil

John the Baptist - Study 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

John Wycliffe - Friend of Israel

Behold, there came wise men - see also God’s East-West Direction for Blessing

The Shepherd

Israel - Past, Present, Future (& Contents Page) see also Appendices 1 & 2 - Facts, Heresies

"His Lightnings..." and the Olympics

Exodus 3

Exodus 20 - The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5 - Deliverance from Bondage

Exodus 31 - Filled with the Spirit

Nehemiah 1, 2, 3 part 1, 3 part 2, 4 part 14 part 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Job 1 - Summary Thoughts

Job 1, Job 2, Job 3, Job 4,5, Job 6,7, Job 8, Job 9,10, Job 11,

Job 12-14, Job 15 Summary Job 16-17, Job 18

Job 18 - The Lord in His Humiliation and a Satanic Trinity,

Job 19, Job 20, Job 21, Job 22, Job 23, 24, Job25, Job 26-28, Job 29-31, Job 32-34. Job 35-37, Job 38 - The Lord the Builder

 Job 38v8,12,14-15 Version Comparison, Job 38-39

East Wind - Job 38-39

Job 40-41 Job 42

Psalm 19 - The Law of the LORD

Psalm 31 - God the Rock

Psalm 66 - Thou Hearest Prayer

Psalm 107 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Psalms 133

Haggai 1 - Consider your Ways

Haggai 2 Part 1, Haggai 2 Part 2, Haggai 2 Part 3

Matthew 5 - The Blessed of the LORD

Matthew 6 - Disciples’ Prayer

Matthew 11- John the Baptist

Matthew 17 - Paying Tribute

Matthew 21 - The Father's Vineyard

Matthew 21 - John the Baptist

Matthew 25 - Judgement of the Nations

Mark - The AV1611 versus Modern Cut-Outs

John 1 - The Lamb of God

John 3v1-18 - Christian Belief

John 10 - Assurance of Salvation

John 18 - The Arrest of Jesus

Acts 2,5 - Church Membership

Acts 9 - Baptism

Acts 22 - Conversion of Saul

Romans 1 and the Gospel of Christ

Romans 1 Part 1, Romans 1 Part 2, Romans 2 Part 1, Romans 2 Part 2,

Romans 3 Part 1, Romans 3 Part 2, Romans 4,

Romans 5 Part 1, Romans 5 Part 2, Romans 6 Part 1, Romans 6 Part 2

Romans 7 Part 1, Romans 7 Part 2, Romans 8 Part 1, Romans 8 Part 2Romans 8 Part 3

Romans 9 Part 1, Romans 9 Part 2, Romans 10

Romans 11 Part 1, Romans 11 Part 2Romans 1-11 - Summary Thoughts

Romans 12 Part 1, Romans 12 Part 2, Romans 12 Part 3Romans 12 - Summary Thoughts

Romans 13, Romans 13 - Summary Thoughts

Romans 14 Part 1, Romans 14 Part 2, Romans 14 - Summary Thoughts

Romans 15 Part 1, Romans 15 Part 2, Romans 15 - Summary Thoughts

Romans 16, Romans 16 - Summary Thoughts

Romans - The AV1611 versus Modern Cut-Outs

1 Corinthians 11 - Communion

Ephesians 4 - The Unity of the Spirit

Ephesians 6 - Whole Armour of God

1 Timothy 1, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Timothy 3

1 Timothy 3 - Summary Thoughts

1 Timothy 4, 1 Timothy 5, 1 Timothy 6

2 Timothy 2 & Colossians 1 - Word & Prayer

Hebrews, God, Author, Patriarch, Israel - What saith the Scripture

Hebrews 1 Study, God, Paul, Melchisedec, Israel

Hebrews 1 Study, God, Paul, Melchisedec, Israel - Summary

Hebrews ch1ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9 part 1,

ch9 part 2, ch10 part 1, ch10 part 2ch11 part 1, ch11 part 2

ch11 part 3, ch11 part4, ch12 part 1, ch 12 part 2, ch13 part 1, ch 13 part 2

James 2 and 2 Samuel 11

1 Peter 1 - Growing Christians

1 John 1 - Summary Thoughts

I John 2 Part 1, I John 2 Part 2, I John 3 Part 1, I John 3 Part 2,

I John 4 Part 1, I John 4 Part 2, I John 4,5, 1 John 4,5 Summary notes, I John 5, 

Assurance and the Witnesses of 1 John 5

Revelation 1 - The Lord of GloryRevelation 1 - Part 1, Part 2

Revelation 2 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Revelation 3 - Part 1Part 2, Part 3

Revelation 4, Revelation 5, Revelation 5 - Spinoff Studies 1, Spinoff Studies 2

Revelation 6, Revelation 6 Summary Overview, Revelation 7Revelation 8Revelation 9Revelation 10,

Revelation 11Revelation 11, 12 Daniel's 70th Week Overview, Israel's Reproach and DeliveranceRevelation 12, Revelation 13, Revelation 14, Revelation 15, Revelation 16

Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, Revelation 20, Revelation 21, Revelation 22

Revelation Overview and Revelation Overview Attached Studies

King's Man Sir Renaud de Carteret III

Cork Jester - Bible Contradictor

Dial-The-Truth and TfT! Tracts

Pilot Office Cyril Barton VC

Lieutenant Terry Waters

Stand firm ye boys from Maine

Pocket Testament WWI

The Days of Lot

Sergeant Daniel Militello - Testimonial Letter

Policing Authority

Gift Books Images and Notes

The KJB, Britain and Islam

The Cry of Sodom

God's Excellent Name

The Lord the unknown Warrior

Scripture Lessons from War and Warriors (Click here for the Cover Preview)

Climate Change (So-called)

Easter Sunday Reflection

Flanders Fields 1917 and Our Saviour

D-Day Normandy June 6th 1944 and God's conquest

1918 and God's Deliverance

My Brethren and the Hebrew and the Greek

I Kings and Elijah

Jack T Chick on Witnessing

Israel crossing the Red Sea - Map

Open Air Witness - Beer, Fire and Everlasting Life

Open Air Witness 2 - According to the Scriptures and First of All

Open Air Witness 3 - From the Crimea to Eternity

Open Air Witness 4 - Autumn Leaves, Ordinary Lives and the Flaring Furnace

Open Air Witness 5 - A Northern Lad

Open Air Witness 6 - Rogue Trade Type Rogues

Open Air Witness 7 - The Roman Road

Open Air Witness 8 - Crosses by the Way

Open Air Witness 9 - Biblical

Open Air Witness 10 - Final Destinations

Temperance and 'Self-Control'

Ahaziah's Age 22 and 42

God's Standard Full Article

Ichthys, Ordinances and Circumcision

The Godhead

Revival - A Seven Point Plan

Seven Principles for Answered Prayer

The Sovereign Power of Darkness

Biblical Unity Incentives

Jesus' Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses

The AV1611 versus TULIP

Key Biblical Issues - An Overview

Prayer - Key Elements

Dragons - What saith the Scripture

God stays the Sea

The Greek vs The Scripture

Thoughts for Today

Christians are the people of God

Doorstep desolation abomination

COVID -19 and the time of the end

Opposition In-House

Opposition Then and Now

Poole 2015:

1. The KJB Heralded

2. The KJB Hallowed

3. The KJB Hated

John Harmar and the Spanish Bear Bible

The Angels of Mons

The Final Salute

The 1611 Holy Bible versus sodomite Peter J Gomes

Inspiration and the Spirit

British Values by Those Who Valued Them

Voice from the Ranks - A Testimony of the Crimea

Stephen Langton - God's Man of the Hour

Leah's Children and the Seven Churches

Joab the Rogue, Eliam the Royalist

Stalingrad - Why God Had Forsaken Them

Things Fundamentalists Don't Like

The Ten Gospels - or Twelve

Intercessors for Britain Unheeded in Heaven

The 1611 Holy Bible versus Catholic Evasion

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

I am just going outside and may be some time

The 1611 Holy Bible versus rabid no-heller Robert Saxena

The 1611 Holy Bible versus the Unholy Qur'an


God's Immutability

God's Omnipotence

God's Omnipresence

God's Omniscience

God's Self-Existence

The 1611 Holy Bible versus Christmas Cut-Ups

The 1611 Holy Bible versus the Non-Extant Originals

Prayer Principals and Practice Part 1, Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Scripture Lessons from Serving Men and Women

The Redeemer

Exploring the I AM Statements of Jesus - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Jelly Babies and Aliens etc. Evangelism

Poison, DIY Versions and the Real World of the Lost

Undermining or Open Cast Excavation

The AV1611 versus NKJV Deception - Case Study

Bible Believers Basics

Faith on the Frontline - Some Observations

God's Palette for God's Will

Food Convenient

The Old Man of Scripture - and Radio Stoke!

Wisdom on Scripture from Scriptures

End Times Horses, Horns, Carpenters, Chariots

Britain and Brexit

Captain Siegfried Sasson at the Somme

Christ our Passover Sacrifice

A Virtuous Woman

Memory Verse Analyses

A Christmas Meditation

The Manuscript Dichotomy

ACS Study – Assurance, Confidence, Steadfastness 


The Name of Jesus

St George of Lydda

The Depths of Satan

Names Blessed verus Names Cursed

Faithful Sardis Saints

Reformation Heroes

Wisdom Withheld

Set in Stone

Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar and Brexit

Guisborough Bible Baptist Church Constitution

The Revelation of the Seventy Weeks – Review and Addendum

Freely Sharing

Monogenes versus Greekiolatry

Mystery of Iniquity - Summary Overview

Dan and Judas - Connections

The Kingdom of Leaven

Scripture with Scripture

To a Subversive


Dangers of Disobedience

God’s Directive Will - Scriptural Health Check

Priests, Princes, Preservationists

The Dictionary Inside The King James Bible - Self Interpreting

Fiery Darts, Faith's Shield

Faith's Five Focal Points

Citizens, Brass, Wrong Doing, Right Words

Under Oath, No Choice, Beholden to Your King

My word versus PCE Onlyism

God's Indignation

Armament Inventory

Satanic Cities and Saints Standing Fast

Britain - Her Peril and Deliverance

Names Forfeited from The Book of Life

Dr Douglas Stauffer Wrongly Dividing The Word of Truth

Hebrews-Revelation 3 Transitional Applications

Dr Douglas Stauffer Wresting The Scripture of Truth

Sound Doctrine Dissolution of Stauffer Dogma

Problems With Christians in Church

Originals-Only Modern Version Hell

Dragon Manna

Preservation of Holy Scripture - Critical versus Traditional Views

The KJB Quiz for Critics and Seven Bible Study Principles

The 1611 Holy Bible versus Lying satanic Jacob Prasch Prequel

Version Comparison Table Overall Summary

Authorised Version and Reformers versus Unauthorised Academic - Rationale Annotations


Peter in Babylon

Jubilee Display

Hell versus Hades

We Said OK

Passover Pentecost Whitsun Typology Annotations 2023

Life Work Balance in Christ


7th and 8th Millennia

And We Go On and SS Ohio

WW1 Remembrance Overview


Church age R&R

British Governance versus Rome

Reprobate Silver and Evil Fruit

Reprobate Silver

Three Races and Peculiarity

Three Races Overview

Daniel - The Finisher

Jehoiada - The Righteous

Timothy - The Faithful

The words of the LORD, Seven Stage Purification

Other useful materials...

Spurgeon's farewell address to his students

The Greatest Fight in the World: Detailed history of the KJV and biographical sketches of the translators

The Revision Revised  - Dean John William Burgeon

The Traditional Text of The Holy Gospels - Dean John William Burgeon

The Great Bible Robbery

Bible Versions since 1881

Our Authorized Bible Vindicated by Benjamin Wilkinson

Bible Believing Study by Dr Edward F. Hills

The King James Version Defended by Dr Edward F. Hills 

St George of Lydda

The Lord the Unknown Warrior

Arnham Remembrance

Sermons and Talks given by Dr Alan O'Reilly...

The Royal Law

Seven Aspects of 'in the Greek'

Revival - A Seven-Point Plan

The Testimony of Dr Alan O'Reilly

The Sins of Sodom


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